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Page 3 of 4 Tests Beginning with H 92 entries

HSV IgG 1/2  Herpes Simplex IgG Ab 1+2 WI Hospital - Microbiology
NAGW  Hexosaminidase A and Total Hexosaminidase, Leukocytes Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
NAGR  Hexosaminidase A and Total, Leukocytes/Molecular Reflex, Whole Blood Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
MUGS  Hexosaminidase A, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
FHI24  Histamine, 24-Hour Urine Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute
Quest 36586  Histamine, Plasma Quest Diagnostics
Quest 37056  Histone Antibodies Quest Diagnostics
HISGT  Histone Genes Mutation Analysis, Next-Generation Sequencing, Tumor Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
UHBAG  Histoplasma and Blastomyces Antigen, Enzyme Immunoassay, Urine Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
HISER  Histoplasma Antibody Complement Fixation and Immunodiffusion, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
HICSF  Histoplasma Antibody Complement Fixation and Immunodiffusion, Spinal Fluid Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
Quest 58792  Histoplasma Antigen, Serum Quest Diagnostics
HIBC  Histoplasma/Blastomyces Panel, Spinal Fluid Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
HIV Ag/Ab  HIV Ag/Ab WI Hospital - Chemistry
HIVDR  HIV-1 Genotypic Drug Resistance to Reverse Transcriptase, Protease, and Integrase Inhibitors, Plasma Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
HIVQN  HIV-1 RNA Detection and Quantification, Plasma Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
HIQNP  HIV-1 RNA Detection and Quantification, Prenatal, Plasma Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
HIV (neonate)  HIV-1 RNA PCR (Neonate) Rhode Island Hospital
HIQDR  HIV-1 RNA Quantification with Reflex to Genotypic Drug Resistance to Reverse Transcriptase, Protease, and Integrase Inhibitors, Plasma Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
Quest 16773  HLA A29 Birdshot Retinochoroidopathy Quest Diagnostics
LY27B  HLA-B27, Blood Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
Homocyst  Homocysteine Total Kent Hospital - Chemistry
HoneyBee  Honey Bee IgE Allergen (i1) WI Hospital - Medical Screening and Special Testing
HPVDNA Thinprep  HPV DNA Thinprep WI Hospital - Microbiology
Quest 92807  HPV Genotypes 16,18/45 Rectal Quest Diagnostics