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Orderable Name KIDST Kidney Stone Analysis

Additional Codes

CNE Order Code: Stone Analysis

Necessary Information

Specimen source is required.

Specimen Required

Supplies: Stone Analysis Collection Kit (T550)

Sources: Bladder, kidney, prostatic, renal, or urinary

Specimen Volume: Entire dried calculi specimen

Collection Instructions:

1. Have patient collect specimen using the Patient Collection Instructions for Kidney Stones.

2. For detailed instructions on kidney stone preparation and packaging, see Kidney Stone Packaging Instructions.

3. Prepare stone by cleaning any blood or foreign material from the stone with deionized water.

4. Place stone on a clean filter or paper towel and let dry at ambient temperature for a minimum of 24 hours.

5. Do not place stone directly in a bag. If specimen is received in a bag, either transfer stone into a screw-capped, plastic container or place bag containing stone in a screw-capped, plastic container.

6. Indicate source of specimen on the outside of the container (eg, left kidney, bladder, right ureter).

7. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each stone received.

Specimen Stability Information: Ambient (preferred) 2 years/Refrigerated 1 year/Frozen 1 year


If not ordering electronically, complete, print, and send Renal Diagnostics Test Request (T830) with the specimen.

Useful For

Managing patients with recurrent renal calculi (kidney stones)

Testing Algorithm

Upon arrival in the performing laboratory, all stone specimens and the containers in which they are received will be inspected. Prior to analysis, stones must be clean and dry.

Method Name

Infrared Spectrum Analysis

Specimen Type


Specimen Minimum Volume

Entire stone

Specimen Stability Information

Specimen Type Temperature Time
Stone Ambient (preferred)
  Frozen  365 days
  Refrigerated  365 days

Reject Due To

  All specimens will be evaluated at Mayo Clinic Laboratories for test suitability.

Reference Values

The presence of a kidney stone is abnormal. A quantitative report will be provided after analysis.

Day(s) Performed

Monday through Saturday

Report Available

4 to 6 days

CPT Code Information